Seasoned Popcorn

Seasoned Popcorn


  • 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 3/4 cup popcorn kernels
  • 1 Tbsp. Chef Merito® Fajitas Seasoning or Chef Merito® Lemon Pepper or Chef Merito® Salt, Chile & Lemon


  1. Using a heavy-bottom pot, heat the oil over medium heat.
  2. Put the popcorn in the pot and wait for the kernels to pop. Gently shake the pot a few times during the process.
  3. If your lid does not have a steam hole, move the lid slightly to the side to let the steam out.
  4. Once the popping slows to an almost stop, remove the pot from the heat and sprinkle your favorite Chef Merito® seasoning to taste.
  5. Put the lid on and shake to distribute.
  6. Pour the popcorn in a bowl and enjoy!


If using microwave popcorn, just follow package directions for popping. Season popcorn while inside the bag and re-close to shake and integrate the seasoning.

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